Deck & Patio Cleaning

At B&B, we specialize in professional deck and patio washing to restore the beauty and functionality of your outdoor living spaces. Over time, exposure to the elements can cause decks and patios to accumulate dirt, mold, mildew, and algae. Regular cleaning not only enhances their appearance but also extends their lifespan. Did you know that untreated mold and mildew can cause the materials to degrade faster, potentially leading to costly repairs? Our pressure washing service removes stubborn buildup from wood, composite, and stone surfaces, using industry-approved equipment and eco-friendly solutions that protect the environment while providing optimal results. We can safely clean even the most delicate materials, ensuring your deck or patio looks its best without causing damage. Proper maintenance also prevents the growth of slippery algae, reducing the risk of accidents. Let us help you preserve the beauty and safety of your outdoor spaces for years to come.